New York City 8/2018
After that we went to a quieter place in Greenwitch Village. Streets were full of small boutiques, shops and restaurants. We sat at a small restaurant and enjoyed the beautiful buildings and small blocks with vegetation around us. Big difference from a hectic environment. We also walked to the Washington Square Park in the village, out from the wilderness city. The park is 4 hectares and there was a large fountain and a beautiful archway. Someone was filming a movie at the same time.
Seuraavaksi vähän synkenmpiin tunnelmiin. Kävelimme 9/11 muistopaikalle joka sijaitsi tuhoutuneiden world trade centerin kaksiostornien paikalla. Alueesta oli tehty iso puistoalue ja jossa oli museorakennus. Kaksiostornien paikoille oli rakennettu suuret suihkulähteet joita ympäröi kaiverrettuna menehtyneiden ihmisten nimet. 9/11 iskussa myös tuhoutuneen Freedom towerin (1WTC rakennuskompleksista) paikalle rakennettiin uusi Freedom tower, joka vastaa vanhan pilvenpiirtäjän korkeutta. Rakennus on myös Pohjois-Amerikan korkein. Rakennuksella on hintaa 20 000-30 000 $ dollaria per neliömetri. Rakennus oli upea! Peilinä valoon hohtavat seinät teki siitä todella kauniin.
New York's hustle and bustle and something like that was a really intense experience. The city had so many different faces that it surprised me. Different Things to do there and the different opportunities would be enough for many days. At night the city also looked slightly different. It was nice to follow people there, because there was all the kinds of people. I'm cant wait to get to know more about this big city.